In addition to green shopping bags and fuel efficient cars, there are a number of things you can do at home to improve your energy consumption. Newly constructed buildings tend to be green buildings, with many energy-saving features already in place. Whether you have an older home or a brand new home, there are a number of changes and ideas to save energy, and that in turn will save you money.

You simply cannot underestimate the importance of turning off a light to save energy. When your lights are on, be sure to burn only the new energy efficient light bulbs. These compact fluorescent light bulbs use up to 75% less energy and last up to ten times as long. What this means to you is you are saving money on energy and creating less waste.

Everywhere you go these days, you see "Save The Earth" t-shirts (made of organic materials, of course) and "green" shopping bags. More and more people are turning in the keys to their enormous, gas-guzzling SUVs for a greener ride in a more fuel efficient car. As green living becomes mainstream, more and more people are understanding the need to adopt a greener lifestyle to prevent further damage to our planet.

Your heating and cooling bills are likely one of your largest energy drains. Be sure to keep your thermostat set at a lower temperature in the winter months and a higher temperature in the summer months. Avoid heating and cooling the outdoors by ensuring your doors and windows are air-tight. Consider replacement windows to save energy and keep your heated or cooled air indoors.

Another large energy consumption area is your water heater. You use hot water for washing clothes, bathing, cleaning dishes, and a number of other things. If you don't already have one, consider upgrading to a gas water heater to save energy.

When you have taken all of these energy-saving measures in your house, you should see a significant drop in your monthly energy usage. But you can still do more! Most days, you have a vibrant energy source shining down on your house, and unless you have solar panels installed, this energy is simply going to waste. If you've looked into using solar power at your house previously but have rejected it due to high cost, take a look at the affordable do-it-yourself solar panel kits. These kits are designed for the weekend do-it-yourselfer to easily construct your own solar panels as well as to install them yourself. What's more, when you take on the construction and labor element of installing solar panels to your house, you drastically cut down on the overall cost. These solar power kits can decrease your energy usage by up to 80%, resulting in a truly green lifestyle that anyone can take advantage of.

When you adopt green living ways to save energy, not only are you protecting the health of the planet, but you will be saving a few dimes in the process. Click here to learn how to build your own solar panels for electricty

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how to build a solar panel for electricty

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Daniel McDowell shares a passion for all thing green and environentally friendly. Incorporating solar energy systems for over twenty years reviews of the top solar programs as well as wind energy are at

how to build a solar panel for electricity: easy build a solar panel for electricty

how to build a solar panel for electricity: how to build a solar panel for electricty

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